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Yvonne Borrmann

I live in Germany, have been fishing since I was 8 years old and have been fly fishing exclusively for the past 9 years.
Starting fly tying at the same time I still cannot tell what I enjoy more. One thing is for sure, the combination of fly fishing and fly tying brings me forward and always gives me new ideas.
My focus lies on utility flies for European waters. I like to play with new materials, using different tying techniques and attach great
importance to functionality and beauty.
Moreover, I especially enjoy the challenge in finding my own unique style by trying to create new patterns from the perspective of the fish, rather than repeatedly tying known patterns.
For me, fishing for wild fish with a dry fly is most appealing. On the one hand it is the most beautiful as well as on the other hand the most challenging way to fish with a fly.

Click here for the full biography (pdf)